Sunday, October 31, 2010

I hope I'm doing this right. but i picked this video because it shows how from an early age children are pushed to do what society considers a mans job or woman's job in school.  there was another video i saw that had little children talk about gender roles. They are young and already have the stereotype. I read this article that stood out to me it talks about how the boys are praised more than girls. there is a quote that stood out to me b ecause its happened to me numbers of times
 "When different behavios are tolerated for boys than for girls because "boys will be boys" schools are perpetuating oppression of females."  
When i was younger i liked to play fight with the boys and each time when it was only the boys the teachers were ok with it but the minute i began to play i would get introuble because the teacher didnt consider it lady like.

Sorry i wasnt able to figure out hoe to display my video like others but i hope linking them helps.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tim Wise

Tim Wise talks about how racism and how some people think that because Obama was elected things are better. this isn't the case. there are many things that need to change before we can say things are equal. the election was sothings like school systems, SCWAAMP, SCWAAMP is what really needs to be changed. i like how Nessa used the videos of the dolls to help prove the point.

Tim Wise M

Tim Wise talks about how racism and how some people think that because Obama was elected things are better. this isn't the case. there are many things that need to change before we can say things are equal. the election was sorta like a step with a real long way to go. Before we can consider anything equal  things like school systems, SCWAAMP, SCWAAMP is what  needs to be changed. He also brings up  the way Obama dresses and speaks and it makes him seem more advanced than a person of color. We have a long way to go. I thought that we were making progress and after watching the videos that Nessa put up shows me that we aren't close to where i thought we were.   I like how Nessa used the videos of the dolls to help prove the point.

in class i would like to talk things we can do to help fix this problem

Sunday, October 24, 2010

This article talks about service learning and how we should learn from it as we do it. In the school i graduted from we had to do service learning as a requirment every year the number got higher. some of my classmates didnt really learn anything from it so they say but i learned alot from it. i learned to appreciate what i have because alot of people dont have what i am blessed with. one thing in the article reminded me of the one thing i do every thanks giving weekend " For Thanksgiving this year my stepmother and I helped serve the seniors their Thanksgiving dinner. This was a very rewarding experience helping others in need. It seemed that the dinner was something special to them; it was a chance for them to get together with their peers. Many don't have families in the area and are all alone for the holidays. This made it a little less lonely, which feels great. Thank you for giving me the chance to help!" When a person does service learning they learn that they are more greatful for what they have. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us

             Argument- This author Linda Christensen argues that from young we are molded by television and children stories. One kiss of her students states "when we read children's books we aren't just reading cute little stories, we are discovering the tools with which a young society is manipulated." These cartoons and stories we read to our children shows them how society wants us to be. they show the children stereo types and what people should feel is more important like money in Duck tales, which before this reading i didn't realize their was anything wrong with it. The author talks about the cartoons Disney makes and how there are not any person of color playing the lead role. The person of color is almost always some type of servant. When you watch a Disney cartoon you also see how the make characters look how people are stereo types for example a black character always has bigger hips and body. She also talks about how this needs to be stopped and parents should pick what their children watch wisely.