I hope I'm doing this right. but i picked this
video because it shows how from an early age children are pushed to do what society considers a mans job or woman's job in school. there was another
video i saw that had little children talk about gender roles. They are young and already have the stereotype. I read this
article that stood out to me it talks about how the boys are praised more than girls. there is a quote that stood out to me b ecause its happened to me numbers of times
"When different behavios are tolerated for boys than for girls because "boys will be boys" schools are perpetuating oppression of females."
When i was younger i liked to play fight with the boys and each time when it was only the boys the teachers were ok with it but the minute i began to play i would get introuble because the teacher didnt consider it lady like.
Sorry i wasnt able to figure out hoe to display my video like others but i hope linking them helps.